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Now streaming on TUBI TV
Genre: Drama, Crime, LGBTQ
Number of Episodes: 5
A young girl grapples with revealing her true identity, encountering obstacles as she matures, but ultimately finding freedom in her authenticity.
Starring: Andrea Capers, Jacob Branch, Rodger Womack, Urssula Waters and Rahmaan Murray
Directed By: Antonio Jefferson
Writen By: Antonio Jefferson
Edited By: Antonio Jefferson
Produced By: Apral & Antonio Jefferson
Tom Boy (2024)
Coming on 1/25 to
Deep C Digital
The Lonely Man (2025)
In this dark comedy, Richard Abbott navigates the absurdity of grief after his wife Abigail's unexpected death. Convinced he can uniquely honor her memory, he buries her lower half in the graveyard while opting for cremation for the top half.
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